With the launch of the VANDERWOOD platform, VW is inviting all subscribers to participate in a limited time only WALLHALLA event where all subs at any tier can forge their own unique shield. The first 100 subscribers to do so will earn an exclusive, individually numbered (1-100) shield tag and most importantly, a coveted place on WALLHALLA. This offer is open to all subscribers until 100 shields have been submitted so subscribe now and forge your shield to secure your historical spot on the wall! In addition to this offering, the first 100 shield holders will also receive a founders digital loot chest packed with exclusive rewards to say thanks for being a part of this momentous occasion!

 Once 100 shields have been mounted on WALLHALLA, the following content will be unlocked across the platform:

The Allfather awaits you in Valhalla.

FIRST 100 TAG - These limited time only, individually numbered tags (1-100) are awarded to the first 100 subscribers to forge a shield during the launch event. Check out the event details  here for more information.